Friday, October 29, 2010

Week 9 Reading

X-Men: Dark Pheonix Saga
Getting to the end of this comic made me horribly sad. I found it really sad that there was no hope for Jean Grey being able to control her powers, or find a way to deal with them. The finishing of the story was incredible, and extremely well told. I don't even know what else to add to this because I am still lightly dumbfounded.

I Saw It:
The story was super well told and the art was very descriptive, especially during the macabre like scenes. This comic brought me to tears. The part that made me cry especially was the scene where the mother was not able to save her husband and children under their burning house after the bomb was dropped. I can not fathom what is must have been like to live through the hiroshima bombing, or to be a mother not being able to save her family. Like the author said at the end of the story, his comic is only a tiny part of the entire story. I am further separated from the event by only reading his point of view, not knowing much else history, and making my own connections about the story. Yet this comic moved me in a way that none of the other comic readings have before. The story was horribly sad yet lovely at the same time.
I would say this is must read for those who are able to handle the sad and gruesome story.

"Course... Some are bigger."
This comic was hilarious. That two page spread where you see Wolverine McCalister running through the prarie, and then soon after being tailed by this gigantic savage bear, made me laugh so hard. The art and facial expressions were great, and the story telling in the southern like speech was great. It was super fun to read. The only part that had me a little confused was the short introduction comic, but I loved the actual chase comic.
That two page spread.... priceless.

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