Monday, October 18, 2010

week 7

The Aliens No. 1
I found this book to be fairly interesting. I was intrigued by the peaceful solution the aliens and the humans had to split up their crews and head back to their respective planets. I was immediately thinking of possible betrayal situations etc. The art didn't necessarily blow me away, but I did find several panels to be very interesting I.E. the panel where the fanatic aliens try to gas the human visitors in "An Alien Welcome" or the few pages where the crew is stuck in hypatomic vibration and everything turns in to color blobs in "A Case of Nerves". I totally agree with what Lindsay said below about the character design and the space gumby comment. I like how the story makes you realize how primitive our instincts can be sometimes when we feel threatened.

Green Lantern
This book seemed to flow nicely while having very interesting and complicated artwork. While I had to get over my personal feeling that the green lantern is the dorkiest hero of all time (the dude carries around a battery to recharge off of? wtf?) I thought the story was very interesting. I literally laughed out loud when he took control of the sea beast and it grew wings and flew off into the sky. I tend to root for the underdog so I enjoyed the battle between Thraxton and himself, while the green lantern chose to rely on his brute strength instead of the ring's powers.

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