Saturday, September 18, 2010

Week3 readings.

I'm lost as to whether it's blog for this post, or for the discussion board. I'll play it safe and post it on both.. Sorry guys. ^.^;

Week 3 - Prize #3, Batman, Adventure and Court Cases

Starting off with Prize 3 comics, I neither found them enjoyable or interesting solely because they were horribly racist. Maybe thats why we were supposed to read them. I simply found it astonishing that blatant stereotyping was deemed ok, even back in the 1940's. I know the mindset at the time was completely different, but none the less...
In the first comic of Prize#3, the evil emperor and his son were obviously based off the asian stereotype with 1, trying to take over the world, 2, bright yellow skin and 3, they even shrink the prince to "midget" size by jumping into a strange alien pool.
Then in the next adventure comic, which somewhat reminded me of Indiana Jones, all the black characters acted more ape than human and could not speak english very well. The main character was able to frighten one of them off by simply letting the man play with his lighter, as if a black man had never had much experience with fire before. Who knows, I could be reading into this too much and it wasn't meant to be viewed in this manner, but for some reason these comics got my goat as I was reading them.
I did however, find the Batman comic very interesting. I had never seen any of the old artwork before and thought it was funny how actual vampires showed up in the early story lines. I had to read the comic a few times before I fully understood what was going on. The story telling was a bit disjoined because there was nothing in the strip to signify the passage of time. Everything seemed to be happening at once. Other then that, it was enjoyable.
My favorite reading from this week was definitely Terry and the Pirates. From the individual strips, it was easy to get a grasp on who the characters were and their different personalities. I liked the group of them instantly. The strip where two of the characters found a friend of theirs dying after falling out of the back of the truck nearly made me tear up.
Terry and the Pirates is definitely something I would recommend to other comic readers.

The court case was incredibly difficult for me to get through. Ken Quattro's comments and summaries at the end of each posting helped me to understand what was going on. I still don't think I understand entirely was what going on in the case, though I did enjoy how short tempered the judge seemed to be. I'm definitely going to have to print out this case and re-read it again.

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